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Parameterized Videos

To render videos with dynamic inputs or to build video apps, you can use video parameters. Consider this example video:

Press play to preview the animation
import ...

export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
const textRef = createRef<Txt>();

const name = 'new user';

<Txt fontSize={1} textWrap={true} ref={textRef} fill={'blue'}>
Hello {name}!

yield* textRef().scale(30, 2);

Instead of using the generic "new user" string, we might want to use a real name - we can do this using a project variable:

import {Txt, makeScene2D} from '@revideo/2d';
import {useScene, createRef} from '@revideo/core';

export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
const textRef = createRef<Txt>();

const name = useScene().variables.get('username', 'new user');

<Txt fontSize={1} textWrap={true} ref={textRef} fill={'blue'}>
Hello {name()}!

yield* textRef().scale(30, 2);

The first argument of .get() refers to the name of the variable we want to use, and the second assigns a default value if no variable is provided. Here, "new user" will be used if the username variable is not provided.

Passing Parameters to renderVideo()

You can pass variables to renderVideo() as follows:

import {renderVideo} from '@revideo/renderer';

projectFile: './src/project.ts',
variables: {username: 'Mike'},

Passing Parameters to visual editor

To use variables in the visual editor, you can pass them to makeProject in src/project.ts.

import {makeProject} from '@revideo/core';
import example from './scenes/example?scene';

export default makeProject({
scenes: [example],
variables: {username: 'Mike'},

Complex Parameters

Parameters allow you to customize videos extensively. For instance, you can also pass file names as parameters, which can in turn point to audio or images generated from AI services like text-to-speech software or image generators.

If you want to see an example project using more complex parameters in action, you can check out our Youtube Short project. This project uses AI-generated images and subtitles, which are passed as a list of words along with timestamps.