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During playback, <Video/> nodes are simply played as HTML Video Elements. During export, Revideo extracts video frames individually to precisely render the resulting video.

Revideo provides different decoders (web, ffmpeg, slow) to extract frames, which you can select using the decoder prop (e.g <Video decoder={"ffmpeg"}/>). Below, you'll find a description of the three decoders and which you should choose.

Webcodecs (decoder={"web"})

This decoder relies on the webcodecs API to extract frames directly in the browser. It is the fastest decoder, but less reliable than others and only supports mp4 files. If your video file is an mp4 file and you don't explicitly choose another decoder, Revideo will use this decoder.

Ffmpeg (decoder={"ffmpeg"})

This decoder runs ffmpeg outside of the browser and sends individual frames to the browser. Since ffmpeg is a very mature and well maintained project, it is very reliable and works with almost all video formats. On a laptop, the ffmpeg decoder is around 2-3x slower than the webcodecs decoder, as the webcodecs decoder makes efficient use of the laptop's hardware. However, on hardware such as EC2 instances or when rendering using AWS Lambda, the speed difference between the webcodecs and ffmpeg decoder is almost negligible.

HTMLVideoElement (decoder={"slow"})

This decoder seeks to specific video frames directly on the HTML Video Element by adjusting its .currentTime property. It is the slowest decoder and should only be chosen when you use transparent videos.

Which decoder should I choose?

In general, we recommend the following:

When you build an app that renders videos in the cloud (on AWS Lambda or VM instances), you should most likely choose the ffmpeg decoder. When rendering on server hardware, the ffmpeg decoder is almost as fast as the webcodecs decoder (it takes around 1.1x-1.2x as long as the webcodecs decoder based on our experiments), but it is more reliable and supports more video formats.

There are a few exceptions to this:

  • You only create one-off videos and render on your laptop. In this case, you can choose the webcodecs decoder
  • If speed is super important for you, you only use mp4 videos in your <Video/> nodes, and you're okay with less reliability, you could use the webcodecs decoder
  • Your <Video/> is a transparent video. In this case, you should use decoder={"slow"}.