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Moving and Manipulating Objects

You can easily move objects and manipulate them using a variety of functions. Here, we move a square along with some text around the screen, make it larger, and finally turn it into a circle:

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export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
const rectRef = createRef<Rect>();

yield view.add(
<Rect fill={'blue'} size={[100, 100]} ref={rectRef}>
<Txt fontSize={30} fontFamily={'Sans-Serif'} fill={'white'}>

yield* waitFor(0.5); // do nothing for 0.5s
yield* all(rectRef().position.x(200, 1), rectRef().position.y(50, 1)); // move the rectangle to [200, 50] in 1s
yield* all(rectRef().position.x(0, 2), rectRef().position.y(0, 2)); // move the rectangle to [0,0] (center) in 2s

yield* rectRef().scale(2, 1); // scale the rectangle by 2 in 1s
yield* rectRef().radius(100, 1); // increase the radius to 100 in 1s
yield* waitFor(1); // do nothing for 1s