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Video Preview with Player

Revideo provides a React Player component (API reference) to embed Revideo projects into your React or NextJS web app. The component lets you preview videos and changes made to your variables in real-time without forcing you to export your project to mp4 beforehand. A full example of this can be found in our SaaS Template.

To display a project using the player, you first need to build your Revideo project, give your web app access to the built project file and reference it through the src prop of the <Player/>. If you use custom css (e.g. to specify fonts) or local assets (through the /public folder in your Revideo project), you will also have to make these assets available to your web app (either through serving them or copying over files).

Revideo provides a CLI command to serve your project that automatically serves your Revideo project and rebuilds it when you make changes, which you can use during development along with the Player.

Inside your Revideo project, run:

npx revideo serve

This will start to serve the project located in ./src/project.ts on port 4000 (you can change these values using the --port and --projectFile flags). Now, inside your web app, you can use the player like this:

import {Player} from '@revideo/player-react';

<Player src="http://localhost:4000/player/" />;

The serve command in the CLI is the recommended and most convenient option for local development. It automatically builds your project and serves all the required assets (such as your project file, assets in /public, and css), so that you don't have to copy them over into your web app - what you see inside the player in your web app should be the same as what you see in the editor that you see when you run npm start. When you make changes to your Revideo project, you also won't have to rebuild your project, as the CLI watches for changes and will handle them automatically.

Using the Player manually

If you don't want to use the CLI to serve your built project, you can build it manually by running:

npm run build

This will create a directory in your project root containing your built project, typically in dist. You can then copy all of these files to any public directory on your web app server and embed the player by specifying the path to the directory. Say you copied the files to /public/outDir inside your web app, and the folder is accessible via - you can then embed the player like this:

import {Player} from '@revideo/player-react';

<Player src="" />;