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Note: These docs were adopted from the original Motion Canvas docs

Tweens are one of the fundamental building blocks of animation. They are a special type of generators that animate between two values over given time.

tween function

The simplest way to create a tween is via the tween function:

import {Circle, makeScene2D} from '@revideo/2d';
import {createRef, map, tween} from '@revideo/core';

export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
const circle = createRef<Circle>();

yield* tween(2, value => {
circle().position.x(map(-300, 300, value));

In the example above, we animate the x coordinate of our circle from -300 to 300 over a span of 2 second.

The tween function takes two parameters. The first one specifies the tween duration in seconds. The second is a callback function that will be called each frame the tween takes place. The value parameter it receives is a number ranging from 0 to 1, informing us about the progress of the tween. We can use it to calculate the values that our tween animates. In the case of our circle, we use the map function to map the value range from [0, 1] to [-300, 300] and set it as the x coordinate:

Timing functions

At the moment, our animation feels a bit unnatural. The speed with which the value parameter changes is constant, which in turn makes the circle move with constant speed. In real life, however, objects have inertia - they take time to speed up and slow down. We can simulate this behavior with timing functions.

A timing function takes a number in the range [0, 1] and returns another number in the same range but with a modified rate of change. Motion Canvas provides all the most popular timing functions (sometimes called easing functions) but since it's a normal JavaScript function you can create your own.

Let's use the easeInOutCubic function to fix our animation:

yield *
tween(2, value => {
circle().position.x(map(-300, 300, easeInOutCubic(value)));

easeInOut means that the object will speed up at the start (in) and slow down at the end (Out). Cubic denotes the mathematical function used - in this case it's a cubic equation. Knowing that, a function called easeOutQuad would make the object start with full speed and then slow down at the end using a quadratic equation.

The effects of a particular easing function can be visualised by animating the y coordinate of an object as time changes with a constant rate, such as bouncing it in and out.

Because using timing functions to map a range of values is a really common pattern, it's possible to skip map entirely and pass the range to the timing function itself:

// This:
map(-300, 300, easeInOutCubic(value));
// Can be simplified to:
easeInOutCubic(value, -300, 300);

Interpolation functions

So far, we've only animated a single, numeric value. The map function can be used to interpolate between two numbers but to animate more complex types we'll need to use interpolation functions. Consider the following example:

// import { Color } from "@revideo/core";
yield *
tween(2, value => {
new Color('#e6a700'),
new Color('#e13238'),

Color.lerp is a static function that interpolates between two colors:


All complex types in Motion Canvas provide a static method called lerp that interpolates between two instances of said type.

Aside from the default linear interpolation, some types offer more advanced functions such as the Vector2.arcLerp. It makes the object follow a curved path from point a to b:

yield *
tween(2, value => {
new Vector2(-300, 200),
new Vector2(300, -200),

Tweening properties

The tween function is useful when we need to orchestrate complex animations. However, there's a better way of tweening individual properties. You may recall from the guide section that the following tween:

yield *
tween(2, value => {
new Color('#e6a700'),
new Color('#e13238'),

Can be written as:

yield * circle().color('#e13238', 2);

Here, we use a SignalTween signature that looks similar to a setter, except it accepts the transition duration as its second argument. Under the hood, this will also create a tween - one that starts with the current value and ends with the newly provided one.

We can chain multiple tweens together by calling the to() method on the returned object:

yield * circle().color('#e13238', 2).to('#e6a700', 2);

By default, property tweens use easeInOutCubic as the timing function. We can override that by providing a third argument:

yield *

Similarly, we can pass a custom interpolation function as the fourth argument:

yield *
new Vector2(300, -200),

spring function

The spring function allows us to interpolate between two values using Hooke's law. We need to provide it with the description of our spring and the from and to values. You can think of it as having a spring in resting position (the to value), stretching it all the way to the starting position (the from value), and then letting it go. The movement of the spring as it tries to reach the equilibrium is what we can use to dive our animations.

In the example below, we use springs to animate a position of a circle, but this method can be used for more things than just position.

import {Circle, makeScene2D} from '@revideo/2d';
import {PlopSpring, SmoothSpring, createRef, spring} from '@revideo/core';

export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
const circle = createRef<Circle>();


yield* spring(PlopSpring, -400, 400, 1, value => {
yield* spring(SmoothSpring, 400, -400, value => {

Spring description

The first argument of the spring function expects an object that describes the physical properties of our spring. Motion Canvas ships with a few useful presets that you can use, such as PlopSpring and SmoothSpring. But it's possible to define your own spring:

const MySpring = {
mass: 0.04,
stiffness: 10.0,
damping: 0.7,
initialVelocity: 8.0,
  • mass - Describes the inertia of the spring. How much force is required to accelerate and decelerate it.
  • stiffness - The coefficient of the spring. Usually represented by k in Hooke's equation. It describes how stiff the spring is.
  • damping - Over time, damping causes the spring to lose energy and eventually settle in equilibrium. You can set it to 0 to create a spring that oscillates indefinitely.
  • initialVelocity - The initial velocity of the spring. You can set the from and to positions to the same value and give the spring some initial velocity to make it oscillate in place.

Settle tolerance

Notice how in our spring example, we provided the first spring with an additional value:

yield * spring(PlopSpring, -400, 400, 1 /*...*/);
// here ^

This optional argument is called settleTolerance and is used to define the minimal distance from the to value the spring should reach to be considered settled. The generator created by the spring function finishes only when the spring settles. By adjusting the tolerance we can make the animation finish faster, depending on our needs. In our example we animate the position so a tolerance of 1 means that the spring needs to be at most 1 pixel away from the to value.

Saving and restoring states

All nodes provide a save method which allows us to save a snapshot of the node's current state. We can then use the restore method at a later point in our animation to restore the node to the previously saved state.

yield * circle().position(new Vector2(300, -200), 2);
yield * circle().restore(1);

It is also possible to provide a custom timing function to the restore method.

yield * circle().restore(1, linear);

Node states get stored on a stack. This makes it possible to save more than one state by invoking the save method multiple times. When calling restore, the node will be restored to the most recently saved state by popping the top entry in the state stack. If there is no saved state, this method does nothing.

The example below shows a more complete example of how we can store and restore multiple states across an animation.

import {Circle, makeScene2D} from '@revideo/2d';
import {all, createRef} from '@revideo/core';

export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
const circle = createRef<Circle>();

position={[-300, -300]}

yield* all(circle().position.x(0, 1), circle().scale(1.5, 1));

yield* all(circle().position.y(0, 1), circle().scale(0.5, 1));

yield* all(circle().position.x(300, 1), circle().scale(1, 1));

yield* circle().restore(1);
yield* circle().restore(1);
yield* circle().restore(1);