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From 0.3.x to 0.4.x

The release of v0.4 comes with the following breaking changes:

renderVideo() accepts arguments as object and points to project file instead of vite config file

To make it easier to work with renderVideo() and renderPartialVideo(), the functions now accept arguments as attributes of a RenderVideoProps / RenderPartialVideoProps object.

Furthermore, they don't point to a vite.config.ts file anymore, but instead to your video's project file, which is ./src/project.ts by default.

In Revideo 0.3.x, you might have called renderVideo() like this:

const file = await renderVideo(
{fill: 'orange'},
{logProgress: true},

To update to 0.4.x, wrap your arguments in curly braces, add the name of the argument as a key and replace "vite.config.ts":

const file = await renderVideo({
projectFile: './src/project.ts',
variables: {fill: 'orange'},
settings: {logProgress: true},

Note that the following changes were made to the input arguments:

  • in the settings object, "name", which refers to the name of the output file, was renamed to outFile. Also, you now have to append .mp4 to outFile. In summary, if you previously had the argument name: "myvideo", you should change it to outFile: "myvideo.mp4".
  • the progressCallback argument was moved inside of settings.

To check how you should structure your input arguments, you can take a look at the renderVideo() docs.

npx revideo serve serves the player through localhost:4000/player instead of localhost:4000/player/project.js.

In 0.3.x, when running npx revideo serve, you were previously able to obtain the player from localhost:4000/player/project.js in order to pass it to the <Player/>:

<Player src="http://localhost:4000/player/project.js" controls={true} />

Now, in 0.4.x, you should just pass localhost:4000/player instead:

<Player src="http://localhost:4000/player" controls={true} />

This change was made as we now start serving both the project.js file and the assets. If you have files in the /public folder of your Revideo project, you can now also use the assets from that project in another (NextJS) project that uses the <Player/>.