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class View2D extends Rect



public override new View2Dprops: View2DProps: View2D


Overwrites Rect.constructor



A helper signal for operating on the position in world space.

Retrieving the position using this signal returns the position in world space. Similarly, setting the position using this signal transforms the new value to local space.

If the new value is a function, the position of this node will be continuously updated to always match the position returned by the function. This can be useful to "pin" the node in a specific place or to make it follow another node's position.

Unlike position, this signal is not compound - it doesn't contain separate signals for the x and y components.

Inherited from Rect.absolutePosition


readonly public absoluteRotation: SimpleSignalnumberView2D

A helper signal for operating on the rotation in world space.

Retrieving the rotation using this signal returns the rotation in world space. Similarly, setting the rotation using this signal transforms the new value to local space.

If the new value is a function, the rotation of this node will be continuously updated to always match the rotation returned by the function.

Inherited from Rect.absoluteRotation


A helper signal for operating on the scale in world space.

Retrieving the scale using this signal returns the scale in world space. Similarly, setting the scale using this signal transforms the new value to local space.

If the new value is a function, the scale of this node will be continuously updated to always match the position returned by the function.

Unlike scale, this signal is not compound - it doesn't contain separate signals for the x and y components.

Inherited from Rect.absoluteScale


Inherited from Rect.alignContent


Inherited from Rect.alignItems


Inherited from Rect.alignSelf


readonly public antialiased: SimpleSignalbooleanView2D
Inherited from Rect.antialiased


readonly public arrowSize: SimpleSignalnumberView2D

Controls the size of the end and start arrows.

To make the arrows visible make sure to enable startArrow and/or endArrow.

Inherited from Rect.arrowSize


readonly public assetHash: SimpleSignalstringView2D


Inherited from Rect.basis


The position of the bottom edge of this node.

When set, this shortcut property will modify the node's position so that the bottom edge ends up in the given place.

When retrieved, it will return the position of the bottom edge in the parent space.

Inherited from Rect.bottom


The position of the bottom left corner of this node.

When set, this shortcut property will modify the node's position so that the bottom left corner ends up in the given place.

When retrieved, it will return the position of the bottom left corner in the parent space.

Inherited from Rect.bottomLeft


The position of the bottom right corner of this node.

When set, this shortcut property will modify the node's position so that the bottom right corner ends up in the given place.

When retrieved, it will return the position of the bottom right corner in the parent space.

Inherited from Rect.bottomRight


readonly public cache: SimpleSignalbooleanView2D
Inherited from Rect.cache


Controls the padding of the cached canvas used by this node.

By default, the size of the cache is determined based on the bounding box of the node and its children. That includes effects such as stroke or shadow. This property can be used to expand the cache area further. Usually used to account for custom effects created by shaders.

Inherited from Rect.cachePadding


Inherited from Rect.children


readonly public clip: SimpleSignalbooleanView2D
Inherited from Rect.clip


readonly public closed: SimpleSignalbooleanView2D

Whether the curve should be closed.

Closed curves have their start and end points connected.

Inherited from Rect.closed


readonly public composite: SimpleSignalbooleanView2D
Inherited from Rect.composite


readonly public compositeOperation: SimpleSignalGlobalCompositeOperationView2D
Inherited from Rect.compositeOperation


readonly public cornerSharpness: SimpleSignalnumberView2D

Controls the sharpness of smoothCorners.

This property only affects the way rounded corners are drawn. To control the corner radius use the radius property.

Requires smoothCorners to be enabled to have any effect. By default, corner sharpness is set to 0.6 which represents a smooth, circle-like rounding. At 0 the edges are squared off.


Inherited from Rect.cornerSharpness


readonly public creationStack?: string
Inherited from Rect.creationStack


Inherited from Rect.direction


Inherited from Rect.element


readonly public end: SimpleSignalnumberView2D

A percentage from the start after which the curve should be clipped.

The portion of the curve that comes after the given percentage will be made invisible.

This property is usefully for animating the curve appearing on the screen. The value of 0 means the very start of the curve (accounting for the startOffset) while 1 means the very end (accounting for the endOffset).

Inherited from Rect.end


readonly public endArrow: SimpleSignalbooleanView2D

Whether to display an arrow at the end of the visible curve.

Use arrowSize to control the size of the arrow.

Inherited from Rect.endArrow


readonly public endOffset: SimpleSignalnumberView2D

The offset in pixels from the end of the curve.

This property lets you specify where along the defined curve the actual visible portion ends. For example, setting it to 20 will make the last 20 pixels of the curve invisible.

This property is useful for trimming the curve using a fixed distance. If you want to animate the curve appearing on the screen, use end instead.

Inherited from Rect.endOffset


readonly public fill: CanvasStyleSignalView2D
Inherited from Rect.fill


readonly public filters: FiltersSignalView2D
Inherited from Rect.filters


readonly public fontFamily: SimpleSignalstringView2D
Inherited from Rect.fontFamily


readonly public fontSize: SimpleSignalnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.fontSize


readonly public fontStyle: SimpleSignalstringView2D
Inherited from Rect.fontStyle


readonly public fontWeight: SimpleSignalnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.fontWeight


readonly public fps: SimpleSignalnumberView2D


Inherited from


readonly public globalTime: SimpleSignalnumberView2D


readonly public grow: SimpleSignalnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.grow


public isClass: boolean
Inherited from Rect.isClass


Inherited from Rect.justifyContent


readonly public key: string
Inherited from Rect.key


Inherited from Rect.layout


The position of the left edge of this node.

When set, this shortcut property will modify the node's position so that the left edge ends up in the given place.

When retrieved, it will return the position of the left edge in the parent space.

Inherited from Rect.left


readonly public letterSpacing: SimpleSignalnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.letterSpacing


readonly public lineCap: SimpleSignalCanvasLineCapView2D
Inherited from Rect.lineCap


readonly public lineDash: SimpleSignalnumber[]View2D
Inherited from Rect.lineDash


readonly public lineDashOffset: SimpleSignalnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.lineDashOffset


Inherited from Rect.lineHeight


readonly public lineJoin: SimpleSignalCanvasLineJoinView2D
Inherited from Rect.lineJoin


readonly public lineWidth: SimpleSignalnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.lineWidth


readonly public margin: SpacingSignalView2D
Inherited from Rect.margin


Inherited from Rect.maxHeight


Inherited from Rect.maxWidth


The position of the center of this node.

When set, this shortcut property will modify the node's position so that the center ends up in the given place.

If the offset has not been changed, this will be the same as the position.

When retrieved, it will return the position of the center in the parent space.

Inherited from Rect.middle


Inherited from Rect.minHeight


Inherited from Rect.minWidth


readonly public offset: Vector2SignalView2D

Represents the offset of this node's origin.

By default, the origin of a node is located at its center. The origin serves as the pivot point when rotating and scaling a node, but it doesn't affect the placement of its children.

The value is relative to the size of this node. A value of 1 means as far to the right/bottom as possible. Here are a few examples of offsets:

  • [-1, -1] - top left corner
  • [1, -1] - top right corner
  • [0, 1] - bottom edge
  • [-1, 1] - bottom left corner
Inherited from Rect.offset


readonly public opacity: SimpleSignalnumberView2D

Represents the opacity of this node in the range 0-1.

The value is clamped to the range 0-1.

Inherited from Rect.opacity


readonly public padding: SpacingSignalView2D
Inherited from Rect.padding


readonly public parent: SimpleSignalnullNodevoid = ...
Inherited from Rect.parent



readonly public position: Vector2SignalView2D

Represents the position of this node in local space of its parent.


Inherited from Rect.position


readonly public properties: RecordstringPropertyMetadataany = ...
Inherited from


readonly public radius: SpacingSignalView2D

Rounds the corners of this rectangle.

The value represents the radius of the quarter circle that is used to round the corners. If the value is a number, the same radius is used for all corners. Passing an array of two to four numbers will set individual radii for each corner. Individual radii correspond to different corners depending on the number of values passed:

// top-left-and-bottom-right | top-right-and-bottom-left
[10, 30]
// top-left | top-right-and-bottom-left | bottom-right
[10, 20, 30]
// top-left | top-right | bottom-right | bottom-left
[10, 20, 30, 40]


Inherited from Rect.radius


readonly public ratio: SimpleSignalnullnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.ratio

The position of the right edge of this node.

When set, this shortcut property will modify the node's position so that the right edge ends up in the given place.

When retrieved, it will return the position of the right edge in the parent space.

Inherited from Rect.right


readonly public rotation: SimpleSignalnumberView2D

Represents the rotation (in degrees) of this node relative to its parent.

Inherited from Rect.rotation


readonly public scale: Vector2SignalView2D

Represents the scale of this node in local space of its parent.


Inherited from Rect.scale


readonly public shaders: SignalPossibleShaderConfigShaderConfig[]View2DSignalContextPossibleShaderConfigShaderConfig[]View2D
This is an experimental feature. The behavior and API may change drastically between minor releases.
Inherited from Rect.shaders


readonly public shadowBlur: SimpleSignalnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.shadowBlur


Inherited from Rect.shadowColor


Inherited from Rect.shadowOffset


readonly public shrink: SimpleSignalnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.shrink


Represents the size of this node.

A size is a two-dimensional vector, where x represents the width, and y represents the height.

The value of both x and y is of type Length which is either:

  • number - the desired length in pixels
  • ${number}% - a string with the desired length in percents, for example '50%'
  • null - an automatic length

When retrieving the size, all units are converted to pixels, using the current state of the layout. For example, retrieving the width set to '50%', while the parent has a width of 200px will result in the number 100 being returned.

When the node is not part of the layout, setting its size using percents refers to the size of the entire scene.


Inherited from Rect.size


readonly public skew: Vector2SignalView2D

Represents the skew of this node in local space of its parent.


Inherited from Rect.skew


readonly public smoothCorners: SimpleSignalbooleanView2D

Enables corner smoothing.

This property only affects the way rounded corners are drawn. To control the corner radius use the radius property.

When enabled, rounded corners are drawn continuously using Bézier curves rather than quarter circles. The sharpness of the curve can be controlled with cornerSharpness.

You can read more about corner smoothing in this article by Nick Lawrence.


Inherited from Rect.smoothCorners


readonly public start: SimpleSignalnumberView2D

A percentage from the start before which the curve should be clipped.

The portion of the curve that comes before the given percentage will be made invisible.

This property is usefully for animating the curve appearing on the screen. The value of 0 means the very start of the curve (accounting for the startOffset) while 1 means the very end (accounting for the endOffset).

Inherited from Rect.start


readonly public startArrow: SimpleSignalbooleanView2D

Whether to display an arrow at the start of the visible curve.

Use arrowSize to control the size of the arrow.

Inherited from Rect.startArrow


readonly public startOffset: SimpleSignalnumberView2D

The offset in pixels from the start of the curve.

This property lets you specify where along the defined curve the actual visible portion starts. For example, setting it to 20 will make the first 20 pixels of the curve invisible.

This property is useful for trimming the curve using a fixed distance. If you want to animate the curve appearing on the screen, use start instead.

Inherited from Rect.startOffset


Inherited from Rect.stroke


readonly public strokeFirst: SimpleSignalbooleanView2D
Inherited from Rect.strokeFirst


Inherited from Rect.styles


readonly public textAlign: SimpleSignalCanvasTextAlignView2D
Inherited from Rect.textAlign


readonly public textDirection: SimpleSignalCanvasDirectionView2D
Inherited from Rect.textDirection


Inherited from Rect.textWrap


The position of the top edge of this node.

When set, this shortcut property will modify the node's position so that the top edge ends up in the given place.

When retrieved, it will return the position of the top edge in the parent space.

Inherited from


The position of the top left corner of this node.

When set, this shortcut property will modify the node's position so that the top left corner ends up in the given place.

When retrieved, it will return the position of the top left corner in the parent space.

Inherited from Rect.topLeft


The position of the top right corner of this node.

When set, this shortcut property will modify the node's position so that the top right corner ends up in the given place.

When retrieved, it will return the position of the top right corner in the parent space.

Inherited from Rect.topRight


Inherited from Rect.wrap


readonly public zIndex: SimpleSignalnumberView2D
Inherited from Rect.zIndex


static public shadowRoot: ShadowRoot



public get columnGap(): SignalLengthnumberthisSignalContextLengthnumberthis
Inherited from Rect.columnGap


public get height(): SignalLengthnumberthisSignalContextLengthnumberthis
Inherited from Rect.height


public get rowGap(): SignalLengthnumberthisSignalContextLengthnumberthis
Inherited from Rect.rowGap


public get width(): SignalLengthnumberthisSignalContextLengthnumberthis
Inherited from Rect.width


public get x(): SimpleSignalnumberthis
Inherited from Rect.x


public get y(): SimpleSignalnumberthis
Inherited from Rect.y



public [iterator](): Generatorkey: stringmeta: PropertyMetadataanysignal: SimpleSignalanyvoidvoidunknown
Inherited from Rect.[iterator]


public absoluteOpacity(): number
Inherited from Rect.absoluteOpacity


Add the given node(s) as the children of this node.

The nodes will be appended at the end of the children list.



Inherited from Rect.add


public anchorPosition(): Vector2
Inherited from Rect.anchorPosition


public applyStatestate: NodeState: void

Apply the given state to the node, setting all matching signal values to the provided values.


Inherited from Rect.applyState


public arcLength(): number

The visible arc length of this curve.

This arc length accounts for both the offset and the start and end properties.

Inherited from Rect.arcLength


public baseArcLength(): number

The base arc length of this curve.

This is the entire length of this curve, not accounting for the offsets.

Inherited from Rect.baseArcLength


public cacheBBox(): BBox

Get a bounding box for the contents rendered by this node as well as its children.

Inherited from Rect.cacheBBox


public childAsT extends NodeT = Nodeindex: number: nullT

Get the nth children cast to the specified type.

Type Parameters


  • index: number

    The index of the child to retrieve.

Inherited from Rect.childAs


public childrenAsT extends NodeT = Node(): T[]

Get the children array cast to the specified type.

Type Parameters

Inherited from Rect.childrenAs


public clonecustomProps: NodeState = {}: View2D

Create a copy of this node.


Inherited from Rect.clone


public completion(): number

The percentage of the curve that's currently visible.

The returned value is the ratio between the visible length (as defined by start and end) and the offset length of the curve.

Inherited from Rect.completion


public compositeToLocal(): DOMMatrix
Inherited from Rect.compositeToLocal


public compositeToWorld(): DOMMatrix

A matrix mapping composite space to world space.

Certain effects such as blur and shadows ignore the current transformation. This matrix can be used to transform their parameters so that the effect appears relative to the closest composite root.

Inherited from Rect.compositeToWorld


public computedPosition(): Vector2
Inherited from Rect.computedPosition


public override dispose(): void

Prepare this node to be disposed of.

This method is called automatically when a scene is refreshed. It will be called even if the node is not currently attached to the tree.

The goal of this method is to clean any external references to allow the node to be garbage collected.

Overwrites Rect.dispose


public distanceToPercentagevalue: number: number

Convert a distance along the curve to a percentage.

The distance should be given in relation to the full curve, not accounting for startOffset and endOffset.


  • value: number

    The distance along the curve.

Inherited from Rect.distanceToPercentage


Draw an overlay for this node.

The overlay for the currently inspected node is displayed on top of the canvas.

The provided context is in screen space. The local-to-screen matrix can be used to transform all shapes that need to be displayed. This approach allows to keep the line widths and gizmo sizes consistent, no matter how zoomed-in the view is.


Inherited from Rect.drawOverlay


public findAllT extends NodeTpredicate: node: any => node is T: T[]
public findAllT extends NodeT = Nodepredicate: node: any => boolean: T[]

Find all descendants of this node that match the given predicate.

Type Parameters


  • predicate: node: any => node is T

    A function that returns true if the node matches.

Inherited from Rect.findAll


public findAncestorT extends NodeTpredicate: node: Node => node is T: nullT
public findAncestorT extends NodeT = Nodepredicate: node: Node => boolean: nullT

Find the closest ancestor of this node that matches the given predicate.

Type Parameters


Inherited from Rect.findAncestor


public findFirstT extends NodeTpredicate: node: Node => node is T: nullT
public findFirstT extends NodeT = Nodepredicate: node: Node => boolean: nullT

Find the first descendant of this node that matches the given predicate.

Type Parameters


Inherited from Rect.findFirst


public findKeyT extends NodeT = Nodekey: string: nullT

Find a node by its key.

Type Parameters


  • key: string

    The key of the node.


public findLastT extends NodeTpredicate: node: Node => node is T: nullT
public findLastT extends NodeT = Nodepredicate: node: Node => boolean: nullT

Find the last descendant of this node that matches the given predicate.

Type Parameters


Inherited from Rect.findLast


public getOriginDeltaorigin: Origin: Vector2


Inherited from Rect.getOriginDelta


public getPointAtPercentagevalue: number: CurvePoint


Inherited from Rect.getPointAtPercentage


public getState(): NodeState

Return a snapshot of the node's current signal values.

This method will calculate the values of any reactive properties of the node at the time the method is called.

Inherited from Rect.getState


public hitposition: Vector2: nullNode

Try to find a node intersecting the given position.


Inherited from Rect.hit


public insertnode: ComponentChildrenindex: number = 0: View2D

Insert the given node(s) at the specified index in the children list.



Inherited from Rect.insert


public instantiateprops: NodeProps = {}: View2D

Create an instance of this node's class.


Inherited from Rect.instantiate


public isLayoutRoot(): boolean
Inherited from Rect.isLayoutRoot


public layoutEnabled(): boolean

Get the resolved layout mode of this node.

When the mode is null, its value will be inherited from the parent.

Use layout to get the raw mode set for this node (without inheritance).

Inherited from Rect.layoutEnabled


public localToParent(): DOMMatrix

Get the local-to-parent matrix for this node.

This matrix transforms vectors from local space of this node to local space of this node's parent.

Inherited from Rect.localToParent


public localToWorld(): DOMMatrix

Get the local-to-world matrix for this node.

This matrix transforms vectors from local space of this node to world space.


Inherited from Rect.localToWorld


public lockSize(): void
Inherited from Rect.lockSize


public moveby: number = 1: View2D

Rearrange this node in relation to its siblings.

Children are rendered starting from the beginning of the children list. We can change the rendering order by rearranging said list.

A positive by arguments move the node up (it will be rendered on top of the elements it has passed). Negative values move it down.


  • by: number = 1

    Number of places by which the node should be moved.

Inherited from Rect.move


public moveAbovenode: NodedirectlyAbove: boolean = false: View2D

Move the node above the provided node in the parent's layout.

The node will be moved above the provided node and from then on will be rendered on top of it. By default, if the node is already positioned higher than the sibling node, it will not get moved.


  • node: Node

    The sibling node below which to move.

  • directlyAbove: boolean = false

    Whether the node should be positioned directly above the sibling. When true, will move the node even if it is already positioned above the sibling.

Inherited from Rect.moveAbove


public moveBelownode: NodedirectlyBelow: boolean = false: View2D

Move the node below the provided node in the parent's layout.

The node will be moved below the provided node and from then on will be rendered below it. By default, if the node is already positioned lower than the sibling node, it will not get moved.


  • node: Node

    The sibling node below which to move.

  • directlyBelow: boolean = false

    Whether the node should be positioned directly below the sibling. When true, will move the node even if it is already positioned below the sibling.

Inherited from Rect.moveBelow


public moveDown(): View2D

Move the node down in relation to its siblings.

The node will exchange places with the sibling right below it (if any) and from then on will be rendered under it.

Inherited from Rect.moveDown


public moveOffsetoffset: Vector2: void

Update the offset of this node and adjust the position to keep it in the same place.


Inherited from Rect.moveOffset


public moveToindex: number: View2D

Move the node to the provided position relative to its siblings.

If the node is getting moved to a lower position, it will be placed below the sibling that's currently at the provided index (if any). If the node is getting moved to a higher position, it will be placed above the sibling that's currently at the provided index (if any).


  • index: number

    The index to move the node to.

Inherited from Rect.moveTo


public moveToBottom(): View2D

Move the node to the bottom in relation to its siblings.

The node will be placed at the beginning of the children list and from then on will be rendered below all of its siblings.

Inherited from Rect.moveToBottom


public moveToTop(): View2D

Move the node to the top in relation to its siblings.

The node will be placed at the end of the children list and from then on will be rendered on top of all of its siblings.

Inherited from Rect.moveToTop


public moveUp(): View2D

Move the node up in relation to its siblings.

The node will exchange places with the sibling right above it (if any) and from then on will be rendered on top of it.

Inherited from Rect.moveUp


public offsetArcLength(): number

The offset arc length of this curve.

This is the length of the curve that accounts for the offsets.

Inherited from Rect.offsetArcLength


public parentAsT extends NodeT = Node(): nullT

Get the parent cast to the specified type.

Type Parameters

Inherited from Rect.parentAs


public peekChildren(): readonly Node[]

Get the current children of this node.

Unlike children, this method does not have any side effects. It does not register the children signal as a dependency, and it does not spawn any children. It can be used to safely retrieve the current state of the scene graph for debugging purposes.

Inherited from Rect.peekChildren


public percentageToDistancevalue: number: number

Convert a percentage along the curve to a distance.

The returned distance is given in relation to the full curve, not accounting for startOffset and endOffset.


  • value: number

    The percentage along the curve.

Inherited from Rect.percentageToDistance


public profile(): CurveProfile
Inherited from Rect.profile


public reactiveClonecustomProps: NodeState = {}: View2D

Create a reactive copy of this node.

A reactive copy has all its properties dynamically updated to match the source node.


Inherited from Rect.reactiveClone


public releaseSize(): void
Inherited from Rect.releaseSize


public remove(): View2D

Remove this node from the tree.

Inherited from Rect.remove


public removeChildren(): void

Remove all children of this node.

Inherited from Rect.removeChildren


public override rendercontext: CanvasRenderingContext2D: Promisevoid

Render this node onto the given canvas.


Overwrites Rect.render


public reparentnewParent: Node: void

Change the parent of this node while keeping the absolute transform.

After performing this operation, the node will stay in the same place visually, but its parent will be changed.


Inherited from Rect.reparent


public restore(): void

Restore the node to its last saved state.

This method can be used together with the save method to restore a node to a previously saved state. Restoring a node to a previous state removes that state from the state stack.


Inherited from Rect.restore


public rippleduration: number = 1: GeneratorvoidThreadGeneratorPromiseanyPromisableanyvoidany


Inherited from Rect.ripple


public save(): void

Push a snapshot of the node's current state onto the node's state stack.

This method can be used together with the restore method to save a node's current state and later restore it. It is possible to store more than one state by calling save method multiple times.

Inherited from


public snapshotClonecustomProps: NodeState = {}: View2D

Create a copy of this node.

Unlike clone, a snapshot clone calculates any reactive properties at the moment of cloning and passes the raw values to the copy.


Inherited from Rect.snapshotClone


public toPromise(): PromiseView2D

Wait for any asynchronous resources that this node or its children have.

Certain resources like images are always loaded asynchronously. Awaiting this method makes sure that all such resources are done loading before continuing the animation.

Inherited from Rect.toPromise


public override view(): View2D
Overwrites Rect.view


public worldToLocal(): DOMMatrix

Get the world-to-local matrix for this node.

This matrix transforms vectors from world space to local space of this node.


Inherited from Rect.worldToLocal


public worldToParent(): DOMMatrix

Get the world-to-parent matrix for this node.

This matrix transforms vectors from world space to local space of this node's parent.

Inherited from Rect.worldToParent